Enhanced Risk Management for Smarter Decisions, Backed by a Decade of Proven Accuracy
Our scoring platform provides in-depth assessments of potential borrowers or business partners, utilizing rigorously backtested risk models to highlight critical factors that mitigate default risk. By benchmarking your debt scoring against reliable, market-wide data, you maintain a competitive edge in the non-dilutive funding landscape.
In-Depth Risk Assessment for Informed Lending Decisions
Conduct a thorough resilience profile analysis of potential borrowers or business partners to assess their financial stability and operational robustness. Our rigorously backtested risk models highlight critical factors, empowering you to effectively mitigate default risk.
Growth and Market Fit Evaluation for Strategic Insights
Assess the growth potential and market fit of your investments using our scoring tools. ScaleX Invest helps you quantify growth dynamics within your portfolio and compare them against industry benchmarks, ensuring alignment with market trends.
ESG Scoring for Sustainable Returns
Our ESG maturity scoring framework directs you towards resilient and responsible investments, promoting long-term value creation and ensuring compliance with current standards.
Market Benchmarking for Competitive Edge
Benchmark your analysis against reliable, market-wide data collected over 10 years. By comparing your investments to industry standards, you gain a competitive edge in the evolving non-dilutive funding landscape.
years of modeling expertise
scored companies
startups and scale-ups tracked
annual bankruptcy rate for A+ companies
Available as SaaS and via
API Integration
Access ScaleX Invest’s data and models on demand—either through our intuitive SaaS platform or seamlessly integrated into your existing systems via API. Our expert team ensures smooth, secure connectivity for flawless data integration.
Since 2014, we have built our models with an emphasis on both financial and non-financial criteria. Our scoring pillars include Team, Technology, Sales Performance, and Financials. This approach helps identify early signs of growth potential, making it applicable at any stage of a company's maturity.
We use a mix of public data, private data collected directly from entrepreneurs, and in-house data to benchmark companies against their closest peers.
Yes, our scoring models are continuously backtested by tracking the performance of scored companies over time. This allows us to optimise the statistical correlation between scores and observed outcomes, such as growth or bankruptcies, in the years following our initial analysis.
No, ScaleX Invest is not a database. You can only access scores for the companies you have imported onto the platform. Additionally, you will have access to anonymised benchmark data to compare your companies with the market standards.
We score companies based on two factors: The Resilience Score (used to determine the risk profile), scored from E to A. The Growth Score (used to assess development momentum), scored from -- to ++.
In 2023, Early Metrics pivoted as a software company and sold its Market Intelligence business to RaiseLab. Early Metrics remains the legal name of the company, whose focus is now to develop data-driven software solutions.