Pros and Cons of the DCF Method to Value Tech Companies

Pros and Cons of the DCF Method to Value Tech Companies

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Valuing tech companies is a challenging task, especially given their rapid growth and often unpredictable trajectories. One of the methods frequently discussed and debated in the venture capital (VC) ecosystem is the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. While the DCF method has its advantages, it also comes with several limitations. In this article, we will delve into the pros and cons of using the DCF method for valuing tech companies.


Comprehensive cost structure consideration: among other methods commonly used by tech investors, the DCF method stands out for considering the entire cost structure, profitability model, and capital expenditures (CAPEX). This comprehensive approach ensures that all relevant financial aspects influencing an investor's decision are taken into account, providing a detailed valuation.

In-depth business plan analysis: the DCF method necessitates a thorough examination of the business plan provided by entrepreneurs. This deep dive allows investors to challenge growth and profitability assumptions, making it an essential step in the due diligence process. Evaluating these assumptions helps in assessing the feasibility and robustness of the business plan.

Alignment with PE valuation practices: another significant advantage is that the DCF method aligns VC and private equity (PE) valuation practices. Having homogeneous valuation practices between VC and PE funds increases the likelihood of reaching a valuation agreement at the exit stage. This consistency can facilitate smoother negotiations and better outcomes for all parties involved.


Lack of historical data to project cash flows: one of the primary limitations of using DCF to value a startup is the lack of historical data. Startups often do not have enough financial history to base forecasts on, which undermines the reliability of cash flow projections and terminal value calculations. The uncertainty of future performance and associated higher risks further complicates the valuation process, especially since many new ventures are loss-making and have negative cash flows, particularly those that are CAPEX-intensive.

Unsustainable growth rates: startups, particularly those between Seed and Series B funding rounds, often experience rapid growth that cannot be sustained long-term. This rapid growth makes it difficult to predict a perpetual growth rate, a critical variable in terminal value calculations. Consequently, the Gordon-Shapiro model, commonly used in DCF, is ill-suited for high-growth businesses. In brief, predicting a company's growth and cash flows 15 years into the future is nearly impossible when its survival over the next few years is uncertain.

Exclusion of market trends and positioning: the DCF method does not account for market trends and the company’s competitive positioning. This exclusion can result in valuations that do not reflect current market dynamics or the company’s strategic advantages. For this reason, it is often advisable to combine the DCF method with other valuation approaches, such as the peers multiples method, which we discussed in a previous article.

Conclusion and recommendations

Overall, the DCF method might not be the preferred approach for valuing tech companies, even though it offers a detailed valuation by considering the entire financial structure. Its reliance on extensive financial forecasts and historical performance data makes it less suitable for early-stage startups and CAPEX-intensive businesses.

For tech investors, it is recommended to use the DCF method in conjunction with other valuation methods, such as the peers multiple method or VC method. This combination can provide a more balanced and comprehensive valuation by addressing the limitations of each approach. The peers multiple method can help reflect current market conditions and provide a benchmark against similar companies, complementing the detailed financial analysis provided by the DCF method.

By acknowledging both the strengths and limitations of the DCF method, investors can make more informed decisions and navigate the complexities of valuing tech companies more effectively.

ScaleX Invest is dedicated to helping tech investors assess their opportunities and value their portfolio companies. We leverage data from over 8,000 scored companies and employ a combination of five valuation methods, each weighted according to its relevance on a case-by-case basis. This comprehensive approach ensures that our clients receive accurate and actionable insights for their investment decisions.